Koori Parenting Resources
Breaking the Cycle of Trauma, Koori Parenting, What Works for Us.
VAHS is very excited to announce its release of a new suite of Koori parenting resources, called Breaking the Cycle of Trauma, Koori Parenting, What Works for Us. Consisting of a booklet, poster and post cards, the resources convey key messages and practical strategies to help Koori parents break intergenerational cycles of trauma within their families. The resources have been directly informed by and developed for, urban, Aboriginal parents, based on Koori parents who have experienced past trauma; yarning about what works best for them as parents. The resources were developed as part of a 12 month project funded by the Healing Foundation, to raise awareness and understanding about trauma within the context of parenting.
Click on the links below to download the resources free of charge.
Hard copy resources are also available to purchase in bulk, until stocks run out –
Download Order Form
For further information, please call VAHS Family Counselling Service on (03) 9403 3300.
Poster (available in A2 and A3 size)
Key themes from the Koori parenting yarning circles.
Download Blue POSTER / Download Cream POSTER
A6 Postcards
Set of 7 different double sided postcards, depicting key themes and summarised parenting strategies, based on findings from the Koori parenting yarning circles. Download Postcards
12 page illustrated booklet
Includes project background, key themes and parenting strategies, based on findings from the Koori parenting yarning circles.
Download Koori Parenting booklet